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The Coronavirus situation has been really difficult in the country. We have been going through a plethora of information as to what to eat and what to avoid in the pandemic. There is a lot of information for the diet for COVID patients in India which we go through every day. Amidst these helpful articles, there is so much misleading information that could have severe outcomes on us.

The best way is to stay at home, get vaccinated and build your immunity to fight the virus. Consuming foods that boost the immune system in COVID-19 is recommended by every dietician and nutritionist right now.

Now the question comes, How to boost the immune system with food?

What you eat and drink during this period will play a huge role in boosting your immune system and that, in turn, will determine how quickly you’re able to get back on your feet.

We have prepared a detailed guide for you telling you what to eat to gain energy fast and build your immunity to be free from any diseases. Having a balanced diet is crucial in the current times. There should be a specific diet for covid patients in India consisting of foods that boost immunity against covid-19. Here are some of the things that your diet should consist of to recover from COVID-19.

A proper diet chart for covid-19 patients in india should include the following categories of nutrition:

  • 1. Protein
  • 2. Iron
  • 3. Zinc
  • 4. Vitamin D
  • 5. Vitamin B
  • 6. Vitamin C

Having food items that are super nutritious and good for your lungs and heart’s health is mandatory as they are the most affected organs by the Coronavirus.

Also, there are a few things that are necessary to be in the diet chart for COVID-19 patients in India as our body requires foods that boost immunity against covid-19, different nutrients and enrichments to recover quicker and be healthy.

Increase your calorie intake

On the road to recovery from the Coronavirus, there is a major loss of weight and energy due to the constant recovering process. Our body loses a lot of fluids, muscle loss, loss of appetite, and important nutrients make the body very weak and tired. Hence the primary concern for people is what to eat to gain energy fast.

To get back to being normal again, you need to increase your calorie intake in order to gain back your strength.

Include whole-grain cereals like wheat, millets, oats, brown rice, and starchy roots such as potato, sweet potato, yam, and tapioca in your daily meal plan to replenish that energy.

Consume more Protein

Proteins are the major part of any diet plan as they are considered as the energy blocks. To recover quickly and replenish your strength, the consumption of proteins is very crucial. Take as much as lentils, legumes, milk and milk products, soy, nuts, and seeds as you can in the diet regimen Animal sources such as lean meat, chicken, fish, and eggs can be included for non-vegetarians.

Fruits in your diet

Fruits play a vital role in providing our bodies with essential vitamins and minerals. They are an important source of fluids too that contain Vitamin C, Vitamin B, fibers, antioxidants, etc., that our body can’t produce on its own.

Fruits such as oranges, kiwis, strawberries, guava, papaya, and other citrus fruits are packed with vitamin C, which helps in the formation of antibodies and speeds up the recovery process.

Fresh and leafy Vegetables

Fresh leafy vegetables are a great source of nutrients as they have impressive immune-boosting properties as they are loaded with antioxidants and a host of bioactive compounds. All green vegetables, carrots, and gourd varieties support the immune system helping you to recover at a much faster rate.

Another great source of supplements you can include in your post covid diet are some of the Ayurvedic tonics and energy supplements. One of the best energy tonic in India is Parasmani Prash, enriched with saffron, gold bhasma, and silver bhasma, they help boost your immunity immensely protecting you from any disease.

Parasmani Prash also has gooseberry extract mixed with the ingredients, giving you a huge supply of Vitamin C and helping you to boost your recovery period from the Coronavirus.

Learn more about Parasmani Prash, click here to boost your immunity and fight the coronavirus to be healthy and fit.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Get Vaccinated!

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