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Fistula Specialist In Pune

Fistula Treatment

The most advanced fistula clinic in Pune is Dr. Kamthe’s Piles Clinic, Surgical Hospital & Research Centre. We treat anal fistula elegantly and effectively. We use advanced methods and techniques to operate on a range of fistulas without the need for surgery. With compassion and care, Dr. Kamthe’s Piles Clinic, Surgical Hospital & Research Centre provides top-notch medical care. He has opened several branches in Pune and Mumbai up to this point. You can read on for a detailed explanation of anal fistulas, including their causes, symptoms, and available treatments.

What is Fistula?

A medical term for an infected tube that grows within the anal channel and skin of the anus is an anal fistula. Fistula typically develops as a consequence of an anal abscess and is located just beneath the anal skin. A pus- and fluid-filled abscess is the condition’s end result. When the disease reaches its later stages, it develops several holes.

What is Fistula?

Anal Fistulas are of five kinds as follows:

  • Extra-sphincteric Fistula:

This category of fistula emerges in proximity to the rectum or sigmoid colon. The rectum, situated above the anal canal, and the sigmoid, positioned above the rectum, are the areas of concern. From these points, the fistula progresses downward and ultimately opens in the skin surrounding the anus.

  • Inter-sphincteric Fistula:

Arising as a consequence of a perianal abscess, an inter-sphincteric fistula forms within the internal sphincter and the intersphincteric space, concluding at the perineum.

  • Trans-sphincteric Fistula:

This kind of fistula develops either behind the anus or between the internal and external sphincter muscles.

  • Supra-sphincteric Fistula:

These fistulas take shape adjacent to the internal and external sphincter tissues. Subsequently, they extend upwards to meet the puborectalis muscle, opening an inch or more away from the anus.

  • Superficial Fistula:
A superficial fistula is an abnormal connection that forms between two epithelialized surfaces near the skin’s surface, often resulting from an infection or injury. Timely medical evaluation and intervention are crucial for proper management and resolution.

Fistula Symptoms

  • Skin maceration.
  • Blood, Pus, sticky discharge, or fecal discharge through the anus or fistula boils on & off.
  • The sensation of anal itching and throbbing pain.
  • Pain throughout the anal area.
  • Inflammation nearby the anus.
  • Skin irritations and skin becomes red near the anal opening.
  • Elevated body temperature.
  • Constipation or continence related to stool discharge.
  • Some patients have pain in the lumbar region on and off.

Fistula Causes

  • Constant long time sitting and abscess formation.
  • Long driving, dry eating, less water intake.
  • If a person is experiencing Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) which affects the digestive system and result in pain, diarrhea, and constipation.
  • Diverticulitis and Crohn’s disease concerns the growth of small sacks that attaches to the large intestine.
  • Damage to a rectal portion.
  • Hidradenitis suppurativa affects the sweat glands and results in multiple conditions and recover from scarring.

Fistula Treatment

  • Laser treatment
    New advance laser treatment is used for fistula treatment. Laser beam passed through tract and tract is burnt . The therapy is the safe, efficient, less invasive and sphincter-saving system. The procedure requires approx. 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Advanced Seton Therapy
    It is a combination of traditional and modern techniques. We use different ayurvedic herbs to prepare medicated Seton (a thread or string). Tagging this Seton to drain the fistula. We keep Seton inside for some days. The pus and infected tissue can flow down through the Seton. Then we change this herbal thread every week. Every week this setone cut and heal the tract slowly .It does not damage the sphincter muscle.
  • Fistulotomy
    A fistulotomy is an outpatient operational method used to treat anal fistula. The procedure requires a few minutes or an hour. In this, the doctor makes an incision in the body to open the irregular connection between the two openings.
  • Ksharsutra & Kshar Karma
    It is Ayurveda treatment first time invented by Acharya Sushrut before 5000 years. The method is best for piles & fistula which does not have any complication and side effects, negligible recurrence. The entire process requires local anesthesia or spinal anaesthesia. We are expert in performing Ksharsutra treatment. Ksharsutra treatment is choice of treatment for complex fistula . In Repeated fistula ksharasutra does not damage normal muscles and sphincter muscles. Patient can do normal activities.
  • Partial Fistulectomy with Ksharsutra ligation
    This is the most popular and convenient treatment for Fistula . In this fistula tract is partially removed and partially ksharsutra has been ligated. Every week this ksharsutra has been changed till complete cutting of the tract. It does not damage the sphincter muscle and maintains continence.
  • IFTAK Treatment
    IFTAK is an advanced piles treatment that uses a non-surgical, non-invasive technique to heal and regenerate damaged tissue. The treatment is performed by expert doctors who specialize in piles treatment, using a state-of-the-art device to deliver a precise amount of energy to the affected area. This energy stimulates the body’s natural healing process, leading to the regeneration of healthy tissue and reducing the size of the piles.
  • LIFT Treatment
    LIFT, which stands for Ligation of the Intersphincteric Fistula Tract, is a minimally invasive procedure that is used to treat piles and anal fistulas. During the procedure, a surgeon will create a small incision in the skin near the affected area. They will then use a small, curved instrument to identify the tract that connects the fistula to the anal canal. Once the tract is located, it is then ligated or tied off to allow it to heal.

Pre Surgery

  • Avoid eating of heavy, spicy food before few hours of treatment.
  • Take a shower to maintain cleanliness.
  • Wear comfortable and loose fitting dresses.
  • Plan a person for your care.

Post Surgery

  • Use sitz bath procedure 2-3 times in a day as directed by a physician.
  • Use a pad across the anal region until the complete healing.
  •  Do daily dressing.
  • Drink more water.
  • Restart usual routine after discharge from hospital.
  • Carry out simplistic exercises.
  • Keep the dressing on the wound until the proper healing of the wound.
  • Use soft toilet papers.
  • Eat a healthy and fibre-rich diet.

Myths of Fistula

    • It is the curse of God.
    • An infant growing inside the uterus causes fistulas in mother.
    • Procedural mistakes or errors in the labor process induce fistulas.
    • Fistula is incurable.
    • After operation there is incontinance.

    Contact Dr. Kamthe’s Piles Clinic, Surgical Hospital & Research Center for improved and healthier fistula relief.

Advantages of laser treatment for Fistula over conventional surgical methods

Main Feature Laser Surgical Procedure
Patient Hospital Stay
Day care
3-7 Days
Pain (Post-Operative)
depend upon varies case to case
Recovery Time
depend upon varies case to case .
7 – 15 Days


It’s like having a short snooze! During the operation, you will just feel a little needle prick. The entire procedure takes roughly 30 minutes. Occasionally, only the lower half of your body is anesthetized, and you will be awake and likely conversing with your doctor!


Is the laser probe placed into the fistula tract during laser surgery to burn it? How does this assist?

Yes, the laser probe is placed into the fistula tract and circumferential laser energy is delivered to coagulate (burn) it. A process known as ‘secondary intention’ heals the tract.

You should be able to start drinking water soon after the treatment and eating as soon as you are hungry. After surgery, you will be able to get out of bed.

You will most likely have some discomfort following the surgery, which can be readily managed with pain relievers.

If your surgery is scheduled as a daycare treatment, you can go home as soon as the anesthetic wears off, you pass urine, and you are comfortable, eating, and drinking. Because a general anesthetic is used, it is recommended that a responsible adult accompany you home and remain with you for 24 hours.

You may be discharged after 24 hours, but you may need to stay in the hospital for the night.

Before being discharged, you will be given information regarding post-operative care, pain relievers, and laxatives.

You do not require a special diet. Just make sure to consume a fiber-rich, healthful diet before and after surgery.

Rest well, take a Sitz bath three times a day (particularly after a bowel movement), practice good hygiene, and eat a fiber-rich diet.

After a week, you can begin traveling.

You do not require a specific pillow following surgery.

Anal fistulas can take 6-8 weeks to heal entirely. Rest completely for the first 24 hours following surgery. You can gradually resume your daily activities, and most people are back to normal in 5-7 days.

  • A fever of 101 degrees F or higher.
  • Pain that is not alleviated by prescribed medications.
  • Unusual bowel movement bleeding.
  • Constant nausea or vomiting.
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