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Piles are a collection of swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus that cause discomfort and bleeding. These are also called Hemorrhoids.

Causes of piles (hemorrhoids):

  • 1. Straining during bowel movements
  • 2. Obesity
  • 3. During pregnancy
  • 4. Constant high pressure in the veins
  • 5. Constipation

These swellings are often round, discolored, and noticeable small lumps are present around the anus.

There are numerous painful symptoms like discomfort and diarrhea, especially during bowel movements or when sitting. Other symptoms may include itching or bleeding.

A well- balanced high- fiber diet can be effective and considered natural remedies for piles. Although one can also use stool softeners. In other scenarios, a medical procedure can be helpful in removing hemorrhoids to provide pain relief.

Hemorrhoids can be both internal and external. Many feel that surgery is the only treatment for hemorrhoids. However, there are some simple and painless home remedies for external piles also available.

Is Piles laser treatment painful?

A LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) is the safe form of treatment. In this form of treatment, the amplified light is granted to flow through the damaged area(anus) to heal the portion. The treatment is safe and secure. We use an advanced machine that does not allow any medical complications and gives more accurate results.

We meticulously use lasers to handle the affected area. The laser energy is used to destroy hemorrhoidal nodes from the inside. The laser is used with expert precision to protect mucosa and sphincter structure with high accuracy.

By using the concentrated beam of light coming through the laser, we cut the damaged tissue and remove it so that it doesn’t affect the surrounding healthy tissue. Along with this the laser beam cauterizes blood vessels and seals them off. The technique is more accurate and garners quick results as compared to traditional surgery.

What is Kshar sutra treatment for piles?

Kshar Sutra therapy is a minimally invasive treatment procedure. A time-tested Ayurvedic technique in the Anorectal disorders category. It is a safe, secure, and cost-effective procedure for hemorrhoids and other types of sinus diseases.

Ksharsutra is a non-surgical and cost-efficient treatment with minimal side effects.

In the Kshar Sutra treatment, the patient is first anaesthetized with local anesthesia. Later the pile mass is picked with pile holding forceps and bought out of the anal orifice, then give an incision at the mucocutaneous junction. Later a slight pull is exerted over the pile mass and transfixed by Kshar Sutra at the base. Ligated pile mass is replaced inside the rectum and rectal pack with Yastimadhu taila or ghrita.

What is Kshar Karma treatment for piles?

Kshar Karma is the superior and versatile treatment for piles, because even such places that are difficult to approach by normal measures can be treated by Kshara Karma. Kshara Karma is useful as the substitute of surgical equipment, because it can be used safely on the patients who are reluctant for surgery as it is simple to perform, cost efficient, no complications, time tested ,and no need for admission.

What is the best treatment for external piles?

Piles can either develop inside or outside of the anus and rectum. It is called internal and external hemorrhoids respectively. Hemorrhoids are an extremely frequent disorder. While they typically heal in a few months on their own. Sometimes they can cause mild to severe discomfort to the affected.

However, many home remedies can be considered as painless piles treatment.

A warm bath with Epsom salt

Warm baths can help calm the irritation from the swollen tissues. Patients can try a sitz bath in which a small plastic tub is used that fits the bottom of a person, or take a full-body bath in your tub. According to Harvard Health, taking a warm bath for 20 minutes after every bowel movement will be most effective in the treatment of piles. Adding Epsom salts into the bath can provide further relief by reducing certain symptoms like discomfort, bleeding, or itching.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera gel has been used all throughout history to treat hemorrhoids and other various skin conditions. Its special anti-inflammatory properties help reduce irritation. The patient is advised to use pure aloe vera gel only on hemorrhoids. Some people allergic to garlic or onions should pay special attention to how their skin reacts to aloe vera by doing a patch test first. If it shows no side effect only then should the patient apply aloe vera on the affected area.

Another effective way to treat external Piles is PF Care Kit. We have an intricately designed kit that offers a healthier & better relief from Piles & Fissure. The kit consists of a PF Care Capsule & Cream that is 100% Ayurvedic medicine developed & formulated after 12 years of profound research and development.

Know more about our PF Care Kit and get rid of your Piles problem altogether!

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